Breastfeeding Myths: 5 Misbeliefs Debunked

A smiling mother and her baby

World Breastfeeding Week takes place each year during the first week of August. The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), a global network of individuals and organizations committed to protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding worldwide established this awareness week.  Breastfeeding is a simple but vital practice. It can make a lifelong difference for a child, […]

Taste The World: Causa [Peru]

Peruvian causa recipe

Food is pretty great, am I right? Food is one area I’ve always loved to be adventurous, because what could go wrong? (Mind you, I’ve never had food poisoning so “knock on wood”) It’s cool because you can learn so much about a person by simply looking at what they eat. If you saw what […]

These Brands Inspire Us to Care About Forests

Today, March 21, is the International Day of Forests, but what does that mean? Living in a fairly green country with access to a lot of resources, it is easy to forget the impact of forests on the world as a whole. There are a lot of factors that impact our forests, but apparel is […]

5 Podcasts for Learning About Culture and the World in 2019

You probably follow Food for the Hungry (FH) because you care about people. Maybe you are also interested in global poverty or economics. You might use child sponsorship to teach your family about other countries. Or FH might be your way of connecting to people who are from another culture. You support our work because you want to make the world a […]

Here Are FH’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2018

Rohingya refugee children smiling for a picture

At the beginning of the new year, we decided to do some reflection and take a look back at the top 10 blog posts of 2018. The following had the highest traffic among our readers with a heart for global missions. Check out the list below to see if you’ve read all of them. Did your favorite blog […]

God’s Story: The Story That Matters Most

God's Story: The Story That Matters Most

This post is the first in a series on God’s Story, the Foundation for FH’s Work in Relief and Development. You’re invited to follow the series, and read the second post here. Have you ever experienced a moment that broadened your view of the world? I have a friend who ministers to youth in Watts, Los […]

Gift Policy:
You may send small, flat paper-based items that can fit into a standard #10 size envelope, have a value of less than $5 dollars and weigh less than 4 ounces. We ask that you send small, flat items of this size because shipping is expensive and even small gift items can cause issues clearing customs.

You can send postcards or photographs, however, we ask that you visit here for more details about culturally appropriate guidelines for photos and other images. Please write the child’s ID # on the back of each item that you enclose with your letter to ensure that it reaches him/her.
Best gifts to send your sponsored child:
  • Paper dolls
  • Postcards
  • Pictures of yourself or family
  • Sports cards, individual cards (baseball, soccer, football)
  • Stickers (flat, paper-based, only a few at a time)
  • Paper-based simple bookmarks, stationery, drawing, or writing paper (single sheets)
  • Coloring pages (single sheets, not books)

Please do NOT send:
  • Monetary gifts
  • Liquids, candy, or food
  • Batteries or magnets

Please note, all items should be compliant with airline transport and safety regulations. Gifts that don’t meet the gift policy will be donated to a local Christian non-profit organization in Phoenix, Arizona, that works with low-income families. We will not be able to return them.