Cash Transfer Enables Livelihood for Ethiopian Mother of Six

Gelawe Melekamu is a 36-year-old widowed mother of six who lives in Mendere Cherkos, a community in Ethiopia. Her quarter-hectare farm did not produce enough to feed her family, and the arid climate and drought contributed to crop failure year after year. Gelawe’s only income came from two traditional beehives with annual honey production of […]
Growing Livelihood Helps Family Become Resilient

Mork Nget and his family were among the most vulnerable in their Cambodian community. Like many of their neighbors, they struggled to put food on the table and didn’t have the funds to meet other basic needs. But the small family faced especially difficult circumstances, as three of the four family members suffer with physical […]
Gender Equity Awareness Transforms a Father in Ethiopia

Dagnaw, an Ethiopian husband and father of three, used to think he should never, ever walk into a kitchen. There is a saying in his culture: “The kitchen is a hiding place for a woman.” Dagnaw’s viewpoint changed, however, when he and his wife Mulu started learning about gender equality – and how a lack […]
Bringing Health and Hope to the Horn of Africa

Five consecutive failed rainy seasons have led to a historic drought in the Horn of Africa, with 43 million people in need of assistance, 23 million facing acute food insecurity, and more than 7 million children suffering from malnutrition across Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia. A changing climate has brought increasingly extreme weather events to the […]
Mother of Four Learns to Help Family Thrive

Nilda Apari is a mother of four children who lives with her husband in the community of Quinta Boliviana–Huancavelica in Peru. As part of caring for her children, she raised hens in an attempt to provide food for them to eat. But the hens contributed only a portion of the food needed for the family, […]
Young Women Find Hope in Return to School

As the business center of the Upper Nile Region of South Sudan, the town of Malakal has been one of those most affected by violent regional conflicts. Farming, once the main occupation in the area, is no longer practiced because it was unsafe to work in the fields. Many schools closed because there was no […]
For a Cambodian Father, Faith Changes Values

“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, and a new life has begun.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 Chamroeun, 32, lives in Tasam Community in Cambodia with his wife Po, 30, and two children, his son Thaiyuth, 9, and daughter Saran, 4. The family’s income comes from farming […]
Healthy Habits Start at Home

Rumman is a 7-year-old boy who lives with his mother and younger sister in the Jhilim community of Bangladesh. Until recently, his community was not practicing healthy habits regarding hygiene. Rumman’s father lives and works as a mason some distance away in the capital city of Dhaka. Occasionally, he returns to their community when he […]
One Step Closer to Her Dream

Today, an 18-year-old woman in Guatemala is one step closer to her dream as a result of a scholarship program in the Ixil Region of Guatemala. Astrid is a resident of the Rio Azul community. She lives with her mother, Elena, and her grandmother, also named Elena, and her aunt, Feliciana. The only income for […]
Strengthening Communities with Education

The United Nations reported that 1.6 billion learners in more than 190 countries were affected by the closure of educational institutions at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Between February 2020 and February 2022, educational systems were fully closed for in-person schooling for an average 141 days. In South Asia and Latin America and the […]