God Cares for the Afflicted

The fighting is starting again in northern Ethiopia. As a result, an already massive humanitarian crisis of displacement, hunger, and poverty is about to become even worse. But God cares for the afflicted children and families, who’ve been left with nothing and now struggle to survive. And the dedicated staff and generous supporters of Food […]
Food Distribution: A Great Way to Celebrate World Food Day

Food for the Hungry is our name for a reason. From the very beginning 50 years ago, FH has responded to disaster situations in some of the hardest places on earth. Food distributions play a big part in many of these relief efforts in the wake of hurricanes, earthquakes, displacement and refugee crises, and other […]
Gift Guide For Her—That Gives Back!

The holiday season is upon us! This time of year has many of us planning the special ways we can connect with our loved ones whether through gifts or time to celebrate the season. If you are on the lookout for some meaningful activities or devotionals, you can find many options on our website by […]