For a Cambodian Father, Faith Changes Values

“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, and a new life has begun.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 Chamroeun, 32, lives in Tasam Community in Cambodia with his wife Po, 30, and two children, his son Thaiyuth, 9, and daughter Saran, 4. The family’s income comes from farming […]
Growing as Parents with the Word of God

God’s Word isn’t silent on the subject of parenting. That’s especially helpful for families in Peru, where family violence is a cultural norm. When Reynalda, a mother of two in Peru, was given a Bible from Food for the Hungry (FH) as part of their work in her community, it opened doors for her. She […]
“God With Us” is Felt in this Nicaraguan Home

Hearing the phrase “God with us” probably brings the Christmas story to mind. Specifically, it is the name Jesus was given: Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). But these words also frequently come up in reference to the work of Food for the Hungry (FH). Vulnerable children and families experience His love and […]
What is the Meaning of “All Things Work Together for Our Good?”

How long could you go without a source of income? If you didn’t have a paying job for a few months or even a year, would you still be able to trust that God was working everything together for your good? When Larry Ward founded Food for the Hungry (FH) at the age of 45, […]