Giving Through FH Matching Program Answer Prayers

Giving Through FH Matching Program Answer Prayers No matter how complicated our needs, God provides – sometimes dramatically, and often working through the compassion of others. Olivia lives in Guatemala and was pregnant with her fifth daughter when her husband abandoned the family. He’d been physically abusive during their marriage and didn’t prioritize providing for […]
Loving God, Serving Others

Josefina is a married mother of two children. The family lives in the Malasugui community in the Philippines. Not long ago, she was extremely introverted with no relationships outside of her home, where she lives with her husband, John, and two teenage children. “Although I lived in Malasugui for six years, I did not know […]
One Step Closer to Her Dream

Today, an 18-year-old woman in Guatemala is one step closer to her dream as a result of a scholarship program in the Ixil Region of Guatemala. Astrid is a resident of the Rio Azul community. She lives with her mother, Elena, and her grandmother, also named Elena, and her aunt, Feliciana. The only income for […]
God Cares for the Afflicted

The fighting is starting again in northern Ethiopia. As a result, an already massive humanitarian crisis of displacement, hunger, and poverty is about to become even worse. But God cares for the afflicted children and families, who’ve been left with nothing and now struggle to survive. And the dedicated staff and generous supporters of Food […]
Christmas Joy from Around the World!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” — Romans 15:13 Celebrating Christmas Joy ‘Tis the season filled with songs, lights, presents, parties, decorations, and traditions. But these are all merely expressions […]
“God With Us” is Felt in this Nicaraguan Home

Hearing the phrase “God with us” probably brings the Christmas story to mind. Specifically, it is the name Jesus was given: Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). But these words also frequently come up in reference to the work of Food for the Hungry (FH). Vulnerable children and families experience His love and […]
5 Daily Devotionals to Draw Closer to God

Personally, I experience great joy when I’m intentional in choosing to spend time with God on a daily basis through devotionals. Last year, I read the Bible in a year, using the Discipleship Journal Reading Plan for daily readings in both the Old and New Testaments. I found this daily spiritual practice to be so […]
Praying with Kids: Ideas & Encouragement

As a Christian community, we know the power of prayer. But how did we learn to be prayerful? Maybe you grew up in the faith, or maybe you came to faith later in life. Likely, you can think back to a person who encouraged you in your faith and prayer life. And that’s what we […]