Creativity Boosted by Child Sponsorship

Attending school is extremely important for children in vulnerable communities. But even when classes fill many hours, the interminable time after school can present challenges for young people. Those after-school hours were becoming difficult for Asep, a 13-year-old boy in Indonesia. There were no extracurricular activities for channeling his interests. So he played with his […]
Mother of Four Learns to Help Family Thrive

Nilda Apari is a mother of four children who lives with her husband in the community of Quinta Boliviana–Huancavelica in Peru. As part of caring for her children, she raised hens in an attempt to provide food for them to eat. But the hens contributed only a portion of the food needed for the family, […]
A Healthy Child = A Hopeful Family

Little Nganji was not a healthy child. Just watching the four-year-old boy for a few minutes, anyone could spot his pain and discomfort. He didn’t smile and wouldn’t play with his friends. He lacked the quick wit and vibrant energy of other children his age. The cause? An infestation of intestinal worms that was hijacking […]
Growing Hope from Vegetable Seeds

Rose is growing vegetables in her new garden – alongside a much more important crop. There’s no fruit – or trees of any kind – in her garden. And she planted no flowers. But this second crop is flourishing along with all her cabbages. Rose is cultivating hope – for today, tomorrow, and a bright […]
Saving for Her Future at Age 12

In the yearbook of life, who would get nominated “Most Likely to Be Saving For Her Future”? Probably not a 12-year-old girl living in an impoverished community in Indonesia. But don’t tell Olivia that. With the support of her Food for the Hungry (FH) child sponsor, Olivia has made a dramatic transformation from an at-risk […]
A Family’s Future Changed with Water

His family’s future hardly ever crossed his mind. Pedro just prayed they would find enough water to get through today. Water was in short supply in Pedro’s impoverished Nicaraguan community. An old (and frequently broken) water supply system could only provide water once or twice a week to him and his neighbors. And even when […]
Small Gifts Lead to Big Futures

Big, bold presents tend to grab a lot of the attention at Christmas. But don’t be fooled. Often the small gifts mean the most and make the greatest difference. Just ask Naoi and her 9-year-old son, Aditia. Their family received one of the tiniest gifts available in the Food for the Hungry (FH) Gift Catalog. […]
“God With Us” is Felt in this Nicaraguan Home

Hearing the phrase “God with us” probably brings the Christmas story to mind. Specifically, it is the name Jesus was given: Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). But these words also frequently come up in reference to the work of Food for the Hungry (FH). Vulnerable children and families experience His love and […]